Stock Market Prediction for 16th February 2009
Market may open up. Market would be volatile . Market may up between 10.30 and 11.01 Market may steady or up side between 13.01 and 13.24. Market may close at up or near to previous closing.
Opening Bell Call
CIPLA - Cipla Ltd
IDEA - Idea Cellular Limited
ONGC - Oil & Natural Gas Corpn Ltd
TATAPOWER - Tata Power Co. Ltd.
BALRAMCHIN - Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd
On 13th February 2009 - The BSE Sensex closed at 9634 (Up 168 points) while the NSE Nifty closed at 2948 (Up 55 points).
Opening Bell Call
AXISBANK - Axis Bank Limited
BANKINDIA - Bank of India
ABIRLANUVO - Aditya Birla Nuvo Limited
HDFC - Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd.
IDBI - IDBI Bank Limited
Technical Analysis for 16th February 2009
BSE-SENSEX - Major Support - 9624, 9618, 9613, 9649, 9684, 9679, 9673, 9668
BSE-SENSEX - Major Resistance - 9588, 9552, 9557, 9563, 9527, 9491, 9455, 9419
NSE-NIFTY - Major Support - 2938, 2923, 2907, 2887, 2866, 2851, 2835, 2820
NSE-NIFTY - Major Resistance - 2959, 2979, 2995, 3010, 3031, 3051, 3072, 3092